Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Week at Table Rock

My darling neice Amy has been staying at the family camper set up in Table Rock for the summer before moving to Chicago to get her doctorate. I decided to take a week off and lounge around with her but we didn't end up doing much lounging -- we were on the go constantly. We spent a day jet skiing to Beaver Lake and sunbathing. Then spent another day at Silver Dollar City riding the amusement rides.

Went to Eureka Springs and canoed down the Kings River where I was amazed at the size of trout all around us just begging to be caught. We had a little adversity with the low spots where we had to carry the canoe and the strong storm that blew up on us at the end of our float but the adventure turned out to be one of the best highlights of our trip.

Spent a day fishing off the rocks in Golden where I caught a huge catfish. (I was actually knitting my Fixation socks while holding my rod in my lap and didn't even know I had this bad boy on the line!!) Why yes, that's a new rod and reel I bought at the new Bass Pro shop in Branson.

Went boating with the rest of the family who came down over the weekend. It was so hard to leave and come back home to the real world. Make's me really excited to think about the possibility of moving to a place like this at retirement.